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- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // MoH: Allied Assault Script File
- // Global function: Exploding and launching barrels
- // Script Written By: Benson 'elmagoo' Russell
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** will setup all specified barrels in the editor for explosive barrels
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** explosive_barrel
- //**************************************************************************
- explosive_barrel:
- level.damage_delay = .3
- //*** setup normal explosive barrels
- if ($explosive_barrel == NULL)
- {
- println "^~^~^ No explosive barrels in the level!!"
- goto explosive_barrel_launch_setup
- }
- for (local.i = 1; local.i <= $explosive_barrel.size ; local.i ++)
- {
- $explosive_barrel[local.i] thread explosive_barrel_spawn local.i
- }
- explosive_barrel_launch_setup:
- //*** setup explosive launching barrels
- if ($explosive_barrel_launch == NULL)
- {
- println "^~^~^ No explosive launch barrels in the level!!"
- goto explosive_barrel_end
- }
- for (local.i = 1; local.i <= $explosive_barrel_launch_dummy.size; local.i ++)
- {
- local.lookup[$explosive_barrel_launch_dummy[local.i].set] = local.i
- }
- for (local.i = 1; local.i <= $explosive_barrel_launch.size ; local.i ++)
- {
- $explosive_barrel_launch[local.i].dummy_index = local.lookup[$explosive_barrel_launch[local.i].set]
- $explosive_barrel_launch[local.i] thread explosive_barrel_launch_spawn local.i
- }
- local.lookup = NIL
- explosive_barrel_end:
- end
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** thread for the explosive barrel
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** <crate> explosive_barrel_spawn <array index>
- //**************************************************************************
- explosive_barrel_spawn local.index:
- //*** set temp variables
- local.spawn_origin = local.self.origin
- local.spawn_origin[2] += 32
- local.spawn_targetname = (local.self.targetname + "_explosive_" + local.index)
- if (local.self.dmg != NIL)
- {
- local.dmg = local.self.dmg
- }
- else
- {
- local.dmg = 250
- }
- if (local.self.radius != NIL)
- {
- local.radius = local.self.radius
- }
- else
- {
- local.radius = 256
- }
- if (self.script_health != NIL)
- {
- self.health = self.script_health
- }
- else
- {
- self.health = 1
- //println "z: barrel: " self " health: " self.health
- }
- //*** wait till the barrel is destroyed
- local.self waittill death
- //*** if a thread is set, run it and wait for it's completion
- if (self.run_thread != NIL)
- {
- self thread level.script::self.run_thread
- }
- //*** spawn the explosion
- spawn "models/fx/barrel_gas_destroyed" targetname local.spawn_targetname angle "-1"
- local.spawn_targetname = $(local.self.targetname + "_explosive_" + local.index)
- //*** reset the explosions origin
- local.spawn_targetname.origin = local.spawn_origin
- local.spawn_targetname anim idle
- //*** get the distance to the player
- local.distance = vector_length (local.self.origin - $player.origin)
- local.check_distance = (local.radius * 1.5)
- local.outter_distance = (local.radius * 2.5)
- //*** shake his view
- if (local.distance <= local.check_distance) //*** inner distance check
- {
- if (local.dmg <= 150)
- {
- thread jitter_small
- }
- else
- {
- thread jitter_normal
- }
- }
- else if (local.distance <= local.outter_distance) //*** outter distance check
- {
- if (local.dmg <= 150)
- {
- thread jitter_tiny
- }
- else
- {
- thread jitter_small
- }
- }
- wait level.damage_delay // wait a bit so barrels stagger
- //*** damage the player <origin> <damage> <radius> [consitent]
- radiusdamage local.spawn_targetname.origin local.dmg local.radius
- wait (randomint 3 + 4)
- //*** delete the effect out of the world now that it's done
- local.spawn_targetname remove
- end
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** thread for the explosive launching barrels
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** <crate> explosive_barrel_launch_spawn <array index>
- //**************************************************************************
- explosive_barrel_launch_spawn local.index:
- //*** get the dummy targetname
- //println "EXPLOSIVE LAUNCH: current barrel: " local.index
- //println "EXPLOSIVE LAUNCH: current barrel dummy index: " local.self.dummy_index
- local.dummy = $explosive_barrel_launch_dummy[local.self.dummy_index]
- //*** check to see if a dummy barrel exists for this launcher, if not, turn it into a normal exploder
- if (local.dummy == NULL)
- {
- println "^~^~^ No dummy barrel for launcher barrel with set number: " local.self.set " - converting to normal exploder!!"
- local.self thread explosive_barrel_spawn local.i
- goto explosive_barrel_launch_spawn_end
- }
- //*** make the dummy invisible and not solid and place it
- local.dummy notsolid
- local.dummy hide
- local.dummy.origin = local.self.origin
- //*** set temp variables
- local.spawn_origin = local.self.origin
- local.spawn_origin[2] += 32
- local.spawn_targetname = (local.self.targetname + "_explosive_" + local.index)
- local.spawn_smoke_targetname = (local.self.targetname + "_smoke_" + local.index)
- if (local.self.dmg != NIL)
- {
- local.dmg = local.self.dmg
- }
- else
- {
- local.dmg = 250
- }
- if (local.self.radius != NIL)
- {
- local.radius = local.self.radius
- }
- else
- {
- local.radius = 256
- }
- if (self.script_health != NIL)
- {
- self.health = self.script_health
- }
- else
- {
- self.health = 1
- }
- //*** wait till the barrel is destroyed
- local.self waittill death
- //*** if a thread is set, run it and wait for it's completion
- if (self.run_thread != NIL)
- {
- self thread level.script::self.run_thread
- }
- //*** spawn the explosion and smoke for the dummy
- spawn "models/fx/barrel_gas_destroyed" targetname local.spawn_targetname
- local.spawn_targetname = $(local.self.targetname + "_explosive_" + local.index)
- spawn "models/emitters/firesmoke" targetname local.spawn_smoke_targetname angle "-2"
- local.spawn_smoke_targetname = $(local.self.targetname + "_smoke_" + local.index)
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH: targetname: " local.spawn_smoke_targetname
- //*** reset the explosions origin
- local.spawn_targetname.origin = local.spawn_origin
- local.spawn_smoke_targetname.origin = local.dummy.origin
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH: dummy smoke origin: " local.spawn_smoke_targetname.origin
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH: dummy origin: " local.dummy.origin
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH: barrel origin[2] +32: " local.spawn_origin
- //*** bind the dummy smoke to the dummy
- local.spawn_smoke_targetname bind local.dummy
- //*** show the dummy and execute the thread to launch it into the air
- local.dummy show
- local.dummy thread explosive_barrel_launch_dummy_fly
- local.spawn_targetname anim idle
- //*** get the distance to the player
- local.distance = vector_length (local.self.origin - $player.origin)
- local.check_distance = (local.radius * 1.5)
- local.outter_distance = (local.radius * 2.5)
- //*** shake his view
- if (local.distance <= local.check_distance) //*** inner distance check
- {
- if (local.dmg <= 150)
- {
- thread jitter_small
- }
- else
- {
- thread jitter_normal
- }
- }
- else if (local.distance <= local.outter_distance) //*** outter distance check
- {
- if (local.dmg <= 150)
- {
- thread jitter_tiny
- }
- else
- {
- thread jitter_small
- }
- }
- wait level.damage_delay // wait a bit so barrels stagger
- //*** damage the player <origin> <damage> <radius> [consitent]
- radiusdamage local.spawn_targetname.origin local.dmg local.radius
- wait (randomint 3 + 4)
- //*** delete the effect out of the world now that it's done
- local.spawn_targetname remove
- //added by Z. dont emit smoke forever
- wait 10
- local.spawn_smoke_targetname remove
- explosive_barrel_launch_spawn_end:
- end
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** thread for making the exploding luncher dummy barrels fly fly fly.....
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** <dummy barrel> explosive_barrel_launch_dummy_fly
- //**************************************************************************
- explosive_barrel_launch_dummy_fly:
- //*** grab it's starting position
- local.start = local.self.origin
- //*** see if the scripter wants a different min height than default
- if (local.self.min_height != NIL)
- {
- local.fly_min_height = local.self.min_height
- }
- else
- {
- local.fly_min_height = 500
- }
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH FLY: fly min height: " local.fly_min_height
- //*** see if the scripter wants a different max height than default
- if (local.self.max_height != NIL)
- {
- local.fly_max_height = local.self.max_height - local.fly_min_height
- local.fly_max_height ++
- if (local.fly_max_height < 0)
- {
- println "^~^~^ Maximum desired height is lower than minimum desired height!!! Setting to 0"
- local.fly_max_height = 1
- }
- }
- else
- {
- local.fly_max_height = 151
- }
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH FLY: fly max height: " local.fly_max_height
- //*** calculate the target vector for it to fly on
- local.fly_vector = (0 0 0)
- local.fly_vector[0] = ((randomint 96) - 48)
- local.fly_vector[1] = ((randomint 96) - 48)
- local.fly_vector[2] = (randomint local.fly_max_height + local.fly_min_height)
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH FLY: dummy fly vector heigth: " local.fly_vector[2]
- //*** rotate barrel to orient to the fly vector
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH FLY: dummy start angles: " local.self.angles
- local.start_angles = vector_toangles local.fly_vector
- local.self.angles = (0 local.start_angles[1] 0)
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH FLY: dummy adjusted angles: " local.self.angles
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH FLY: dummy origin: " local.self.origin
- //*** launch the barrel
- local.self physics_velocity (local.fly_vector)
- wait .2
- local.self physics_on 1
- local.self physics_velocity (local.fly_vector)
- //*** make it solid and set the motion flag for rotation
- local.self solid
- local.inmotion = 1
- //*** calculate the initial spin by first getting the top down distance moved from it's start point
- local.check_start = (local.start[0] local.start[1] 0)
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH FLY: check starting position, reset Z: " local.check_start
- local.check_end = ((local.start[0] + local.fly_vector[0]) (local.start[1] + local.fly_vector[1]) 0)
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH FLY: check fly position, reset Z: " local.check_end
- local.spin_length = vector_length(local.check_start - local.check_end)
- //println "BARREL LAUNCH FLY: initial spin length calculation: " local.spin_length
- //*** scale the spin value up to a noticable value
- local.spin_length = local.spin_length * 1.5
- //*** start spinning the barrel
- local.self rotatex local.spin_length
- //*** check for major direction changes to adjust rotation accordingly
- local.pos_prev = local.self.origin
- waitframe
- //*** loop to check for sharp changes in direction
- while (local.inmotion == 1)
- {
- //println "BARREL CHECK: pos_prev: " local.pos_prev
- //println "BARREL CHECK: pos_current: " local.self.origin
- local.vel = local.self.origin - local.pos_prev
- //println "BARREL CHECK: velocity from past to current: " local.vel
- //println "BARREL CHECK: current angles facing: " local.self.angles
- //*** old value local.pos_next = local.self.origin + local.vel + (0 0 -1.28)
- local.pos_next = local.self.origin + local.vel + (0 0 -2)
- //println "BARREL CHECK: pos_next: " local.pos_next
- local.pos_prev = local.self.origin
- waitframe
- local.pos_diff = vector_length (local.self.origin - local.pos_next)
- //println "BARREL CHECK: pos_current after predition: " local.self.origin
- //println "BARREL CHECK: difference in prediction and actual: " local.pos_diff
- //println "BARREL CHECK: local.self.velocity: " local.self.velocity
- if (local.pos_diff > 0 && local.self.velocity != (0 0 0))
- {
- local.vel_new = local.self.origin - local.pos_prev
- //println "BARREL COLLISION: original vel: " local.vel
- //println "BARREL COLLISION: new vel: " local.vel_new
- local.vel_diff_x = local.vel_new[0] - local.vel[0]
- //println "BARREL COLLISION: x difference: " local.vel_diff_x
- local.vel_diff_y = local.vel_new[1] - local.vel[1]
- //println "BARREL COLLISION: y difference: " local.vel_diff_y
- local.vel_diff_z = local.vel_new[2] - local.vel[2]
- //println "BARREL COLLISION: z difference: " local.vel_diff_z
- //*** check for a difference on the horizontal plane
- if ((local.vel_diff_x + local.vel_diff_y) > local.vel_diff_z)
- {
- //println "BARREL COLLISION CHECK: horizontal change detected"
- }
- //*** check for a difference on the vertical plane
- if (local.vel_diff_z != 0)
- {
- //println "BARREL COLLISION CHECK: vertical change detected"
- local.spin_z = local.vel_diff_z * 5
- //*** check which direction to spin
- if ((local.self.angles[0] >= 0 && local.self.angles[0] <= 90) || (local.self.angles[0] >= 180 && local.self.angles[0] <= 270))
- {
- local.self rotatex local.spin_z
- }
- else
- {
- local.spin_z = local.spin_z * -1
- local.self rotatex local.spin_z
- }
- }
- }
- else if (local.self.velocity == (0 0 0))
- {
- //println "BARREL CHECK: the barrel has stopped moving, exiting"
- local.inmotion = 0
- }
- }
- //*** align the barrel with the ground
- if (local.self.angles[0] >= 0 && local.self.angles[0] <= 10)
- {
- local.self time .75
- local.self rotatexdownto 0
- local.self move
- }
- else if (local.self.angles[0] >= 350 && local.self.angles[0] < 0)
- {
- local.self time .75
- local.self rotatexupto 0
- local.self move
- }
- else if (local.self.angles[0] >= 170 && local.self.angles[0] <= 180)
- {
- local.self time .75
- local.self rotatexupto 180
- local.self move
- }
- else if (local.self.angles[0] >= 181 && local.self.angles[0] <= 190)
- {
- local.self time .75
- local.self rotatexdownto 180
- local.self move
- }
- else if (local.self.angles[0] >= 11 && local.self.angles[0] <= 90)
- {
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: quadrant 1 move"
- local.self physics_off
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: start accel"
- local.distance = 90 - local.self.angles[0]
- local.distance = local.distance / 4
- //*** accelerate the final movement
- for (local.accel = .25 ; local.accel >= .1 ; local.accel = local.accel - .05)
- {
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: rotating, local.accel: " local.accel
- local.self time local.accel
- local.self rotatexup local.distance
- local.self movedown 3
- local.self waitmove
- }
- }
- else if (local.self.angles[0] >= 91 && local.self.angles[0] <= 169)
- {
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: quadrant 2 move"
- local.self physics_off
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: start accel"
- local.distance = local.self.angles[0] - 90
- local.distance = local.distance / 4
- //*** accelerate the final movement
- for (local.accel = .25 ; local.accel >= .1 ; local.accel = local.accel - .05)
- {
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: rotating, local.accel: " local.accel
- local.self time local.accel
- local.self rotatexdown local.distance
- local.self movedown 3
- local.self waitmove
- }
- }
- else if (local.self.angles[0] >= 191 && local.self.angles[0] <= 269)
- {
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: quadrant 3 move"
- local.self physics_off
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: start accel"
- local.distance = 270 - local.self.angles[0]
- local.distance = local.distance / 4
- //*** accelerate the final movement
- for (local.accel = .25 ; local.accel >= .1 ; local.accel = local.accel - .05)
- {
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: rotating, local.accel: " local.accel
- local.self time local.accel
- local.self rotatexup local.distance
- local.self movedown 3
- local.self waitmove
- }
- }
- else if (local.self.angles[0] >= 270 && local.self.angles[0] <= 349)
- {
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: quadrant 4 move"
- local.self physics_off
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: start accel"
- local.distance = local.self.angles[0] - 270
- local.distance = local.distance / 4
- //*** accelerate the final movement
- for (local.accel = .25 ; local.accel >= .1 ; local.accel = local.accel - .05)
- {
- //println "BARREL ALIGN: rotating, local.accel: " local.accel
- local.self time local.accel
- local.self rotatexdown local.distance
- local.self movedown 3
- local.self waitmove
- }
- }
- end
- //*******************************
- // random positive / negative choice
- //*******************************
- random_sign:
- local.choice = (randomint 3 - 1)
- if (local.choice == 0)
- {
- goto random_sign
- }
- end local.choice
- //******************************
- // jitter effect
- // jitter_normal
- //******************************
- jitter_normal:
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .4 3 0 0
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .5 1 0 0
- //waitexec global/earthquake.scr .5 1 0 0
- end
- //*********************************
- // jitter effect
- // jitter_small
- //*********************************
- jitter_small:
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .3 1.5 0 0
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .35 .75 0 0
- //waitexec global/earthquake.scr .5 1 0 0
- end
- //*********************************
- // jitter effect
- // jitter_tiny
- //*********************************
- jitter_tiny:
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr 1 .3 0 0
- //waitexec global/earthquake.scr .5 1 0 0
- end